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- LFI Magazine 05/2023
LFI Magazine 05/2023
「LFI」(Leica Fotografie International・英語)は、ライカと写真をテーマに1949年に創刊され、現在まで発刊され続けている専門誌です。
ヒュー・キンセラ・カニンガムがコンゴ民主共和国東部地域の不安定な情勢下で生きる人々の苦しみに迫る記録の数々や、社会的に激変する祖国を捉え“時代の目撃者”となったチェコの写真家 ヤロスラフ・クチェラの作品などを取り上げています。
- Hugh Kinsella Cunningham: Displaced by the M23. His portraits speak of the unimaginable. The photographer documents the suffering of the civil population in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo
- David Salcedo: Ocho Puntas. The Spanish photographer has chosen to devote his pictures to the Plaça de Catalunia – a special place that shapes life in Barcelona
- Dzesika Devic: Simply There. Riding her folding bicycle, with her Leica M6 at hand, the photographer sets out to discover little surprises of everyday life in Toronto
- William Keo: Beautiful Paradox. Poverty, drugs and violence define the life of the Parisian suburbs – but also joyful moments. William Keo reveals all the facets of the banlieue
- Jaroslav Kučera: Leica Classic. Chronicler, witness of an era and empathic observer: the Czech photographer documents the social upheavals of his homeland
- F/STOP: Leica SL2 Silver / Leica ZM1 and ZM2 / Fine Art Printing