
LFI Magazine 06/2023


「LFI」(Leica Fotografie International・英語)は、ライカと写真をテーマに1949年に創刊され、現在まで発刊され続けている専門誌です。


¥2,200 (税込)



  • Trent Parke: Echoes. A look into his new epic publication, Monument, reveals a cross section of three decades of experiences, emotions, understandings and Zeitgeist
  • Marion Péhée: Iron Lifeline. A historic train line connects cities in Ethiopia; but how long will it still remain? Marion Péhée has captured the dilapidated railway system in pictures
  • Borges & Kurth: We Share the Meal. Luzie Kurth and Lars Borges share their love of food in a joint project defined by colourful imagery, sensuality and symbolism
  • Tomeu Coll: Sardinia’s Heartland. Exploring the Barbagia region in the heart of Sardinia with a Q3: this is where Tomeu Coll discovered the essence of the island – and tried out the new camera
  • Russell Melcher: Leica Classic. An excursion into the Golden Age of Photojournalism, guided by photographer Russell Melcher, who likes to call himself a storyteller
  • F/STOP: Leica Q3 / Leica Cine 1 / En Vogue