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- LFI Magazine 02/2024

LFI Magazine 02/2024
「LFI」(Leica Fotografie International・英語)は、ライカと写真をテーマに1949年に創刊され、現在まで発刊され続けている専門誌です。
エルンスト・ライツ・ミュージアムで開催されるWerner Bischofの回顧展を初公開。また、Sacha Goldbergerがヒッチコック監督の名作映画を役柄を逆転して表現し、男女の関係に注目させたシリーズ「Strong & Weak」の特集など、数々の作品が取り上げられています。
- Werner Bischof: Leica Classic. Photographer, Artist, Witnes this title, the Ernst Leitz Museum in Wetzlar is presenting a grand retrospective. Our portfolio offers a first insight
- Sacha Goldberger: Strong & Weak. The photographer’s reversed interpretation of scenes taken from Hitchcock films, draws attention to the relationship between the sexes
- Phil Penman: New York. The pictures taken on the streets of the megacity manage to capture the American Zeitgeist in a very effective manner
- Emile Ducke: Cold as a Weapon. We have reached the second winter of the Ukraine war, and the energy infrastructure is under attack. Emile Ducke’s images really get under the skin
- Jamie Johnson: Irish Traveller Children. A childhood seemingly from another era: American photographer Jamie Johnson accompanies children of the “travelling folk” of Ireland
- F/STOP: Leica Design / Underwater / C-41 Film