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- LFI Magazine 03/2024

LFI Magazine 03/2024
「LFI」(Leica Fotografie International・英語)は、ライカと写真をテーマに1949年に創刊され、現在まで発刊され続けている専門誌です。
アメリカ出身の写真家Todd Hidoの最新シリーズを始め、Patrick Zachmannによる1980年代ナポリでのマフィアとの闘いの記録やZalan Ilyesによるルーマニアの孤児院の子どもたちについての記録、Ian Berryによる世界で最も貴重な資源である水についての迫力のあるシリーズなど神秘的な風景と雰囲気のある光景を取り上げています。
- Leica Women Foto Project: LWFP Award 2024. The four winners and their projects, inspired by this year’s motto: Perspective is Power: Reclamation, Resilience, Rebirth
- Todd Hidor: The End Sends Advance Warning. Mysterious landscapes and atmospherically-laden motifs: despite the tone of the title, the photographer sees his new book as a series about hope and beauty
- Patrick Zachmann: Un Pezzo di Papa. Hidden for nearly forty years, but not forgotten: Zachmann’s images from Naples in the eighties, testify to the fight against the Mafia
- Zalan Ilyes: Those Who Love Me Are Far Away. Growing up without parents: the photographer turns his attention towards children and youths living in Romanian orphanages
- Ian Berry: Water. Humanity and water: a complex relationship that is under extreme threat. The impressive series presents the most valuable and important resource on the planet
- F/STOP: Leica SL3 / Summilux-M 35 / Xiaomi 14 Ultra