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- LFI Magazine 07/2024

LFI Magazine 07/2024
「LFI」(Leica Fotografie International・英語)は、ライカと写真をテーマに1949年に創刊され、現在まで発刊され続けている専門誌です。
ライカMシステム登場70周年を記念する今号では、傑出したMフォトグラファーを紹介。30年以上に渡り世界中を旅し続けているStephen Dupontの作品とインタビュー、Alessandro Cinqueによるペルーの伝統的なアルパカ飼育家のドキュメント、若き写真家Sara Messingerによるニューヨークの若者たちとの親密で洞察に満ちたShadow of a Teenage Daydreamシリーズ。
ライカMシステム70周年を祝う書籍「70 Years Leica M」や、新製品LEICA M11-D、LEICA Q3 43、LEICA Vario-Elmarit-SL 70-200mmも紹介。
- Stephen Dupont:Between Worlds. The Australian photographer has been travelling around the world for 30 years now. We present a cross section of his work and an interview
- Alessandro Cinque:With the Alpaqueros. Crises in the highlands: equipped with an M10, the photographer documents the challenges faced by the traditional alpaca breeders in Peru
- 70 Years Leica M:The Jubilee. The perfect balance between tradition and innovation: the system’s 70-year jubilee is celebrated with a book full of iconic moments and unique M feelings
- Sara Messinger:Shadow of a Teenage Daydream. Drifting, fun and socialising: the photographer accompanied intimate and insightful moments with New York City youths who became her friends
- Constantine Manos:Leica Classic. A portfolio of images from the Magnum photographer’s multi-faceted body of work, on the occasion of his 90th birthday. Making a selection was challenging
- F/STOP:Leica M11-D / Leica Q3 43 / Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 70–200 ×2