
LFI Magazine 03/2022(通常表紙版)


「LFI」(Leica Fotogarfie International)は、ライカと写真をテーマに1949年に創刊され、現在まで発刊され続けている専門誌です。


¥2,200 (税込)


Thomas Hoepker: Leica Classic. On the occasion of a major retrospective at the Ernst Leitz Museum: a selection from the iconic treasure trove of pictures by Thomas Hoepker

Moises Saman: Stop Over. No home in sight? For many refugees, the unresolved residency status of their new lives in Jordan represent a daily struggle

Przemyslaw Mioduszewski: Iceland Ahoi! Humour meets fantasy: the Polish-born photographer’s new homeland of Iceland offers the perfect stage for detailed self-orchestrations

Sam Ferris: In Visible Light. The Australian photographer set out on foot and began to take pictures, hoping to truly find his place in his new home town of Sydney

Alexander Klang: Encounters. “I’m interested in the unexpected, even if it’s just a detail” – Alexander Klang captures forms of improvisation in his photographs

F/STOP: Leica Watches L1 and L2 / M Lenses (II) / L-Mount
